Website Hosting Resources

Australian Domain Name Registrations (

Simple Domain Search Bulk Domain Search Bulk Domain Transfer Australian domain name registrations work differently to the rest of the world. Dare I say better, without coming across as being arrogant? The reason I say better is because the Australian domain system offers a certain degree of user protection. In…

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8 Positive Steps Before SEO will Benefit Your Website

No rocket science here, just some points outlined that people too often forget once they get caught up in “internet marketing” and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Make sure you have a rock solid offering. Without a product you believe in, the whole internet marketing route isn’t going to benefit you…yet.…

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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Google

Recently, with Search Engine Optimisation, Adword Campaigns and Online Advertising buzz words, too many businesses are relying solely on this for direction or purpose. I will be the first one to acknowledge the importance of using SEO to benefit your business’ online campaign; however there are a few things to…

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Support and Service for Your Website and Email

Aren’t you tired of getting through to call centres that can’t actually solve your problem? It’s very nice to call a Web Hosting company’s support line and get through to someone right away, however it is even more frustrating to learn they are merely there to say all the right…

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ICANN and auDA Domain Name Registrars

ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) coordinates the naming system used by the internet and plays a very important role in the provision of one global internet. If you register a domain or transfer a domain, how does it work that all the names are unique and nobody…

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The Best Value for Money Web Hosting

I think too much emphasis is put on price when it comes to web hosting. Often, my point can be seen in the service you receive, for example, when a domain name is difficult to manage or transfer. Or your website or email is down and you can’t get an…

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