
NewSprout Support Articles

NBN Fault Troubleshooting Procedure

in NBN

NBN Fault Troubleshooting Procedure

A) What type of fault is it?

Speed Fault?

  1. If you feel you speed has dropped considerably for a consistent period of time, please take a series of speed tests here:  speedtest.net . Once the test completes click the chainlink icon under “SHARE” then select and copy the entire test URL in the “WEB” field as in this image. Paste the test URL in to a draft email to support@newsprout.com.au
  2. Ideally repeat this for approx 2 or 3 tests  at AM, PM, and Early Evening. This provides a really good daily snapshot. If you only provide one test then there is a chance the NBNCo./Backhaul provider will reply saying they will only action if you provide more tests. An unnecessary delay. So take a few please at various times of the day

Dropout Fault?

  1. Please provide details of a) when the dropouts started b) how frequently they are happening and c)  how long they are lasting
  2. Also please advise if the speed has been dramatically affected following these dropouts. Follow point 2 above if you can

No Connection Fault?

    1. Please advise when the service stopped working. And also if it is still down
    2. Please confirm you can see your Wi-Fi network name? If you have a NewSprout provided modem/router this will either be the network name you chose or since edited, or it will be our default “newsprout.com.au”

B) NTD/Connection Equipment status

If your NBN service uses a NTD/NBN Box fitted on your internal wall advise the following – ON/OFF/Flashing & Colour:

Wireless NTD
What is the Wireless NTD power light status/indication?
What is the Wireless NTD status light/indication?
What is the Wireless NTD ODU light status/indication?
What is the Wireless NTD signal light status/indication?
Please confirm Which NTD data port(s) are used (UNI-D1 – D4)?
Please confirm Which UNI port is the faulty Service connected to?
What is the UNI-D light status/indication?

What is the NTD power light status/indication?
What is the NTD Optical light status/indication?
What is the  Alarm status light/indication?
What is the UNI-D light status/indication?
What is the  NTD Update light/indication?
Please confirm Which NTD data port(s) are used (UNI-D1 – D4)?
Please confirm Which UNI-D port the faulty Service is connected to?

What is the Power light status/indication?
What is the Downstream light status/indication?
What is the Upstream light status/indication?
What is the Online light status/indication?
What is the Link/UNI-D light on the back status/indication?

SkyMuster/Satellite NTD
What is the Power light status/indication?
What is the UNI-D light status/indication?
Please confirm Which NTD data port(s) are used (UNI-D1 – D4)?
Please confirm Which UNI-D port the faulty Service is connected to?

If your NBN service uses a modem plugged in to your telephone wall socket advise the following – ON/OFF/Flashing & Colour:

What is the Modem Power light status/indication?
What is the Modem Sync light status/indication?
What is the Modem Internet light status/indication?

C) More Information

We may ask you for some more specific troubleshooting and information. If we do please do respond as quickly as you can as there will be a very good reason for asking you :)



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