Compare Unlimited Plans: 5 warnings of how to avoid being duped

Do you need unlimited?
Probably not!
The average household data usage is 120GB/mth

So how much data is unlimited?
It is irrelevant.
120GB is the average usage and most never get to 1,000GB.
Unlimited is unnecessary, it sounds good, but it's a hoax!

Does unlimited mean faster? is usually the opposite!
Unlimited plans sacrifice Speed, Quality & Support
5 reasons to NOT choose unlimited broadband:
- Don't pay for someone else's data.
- Buy what you need and ignore the "too good to be true" plans.
- Unlimited providers cut costs on data, therefore causing congestion and speed issues. Where else are they cutting costs?
- Unlimited often come with 12 to 24 month contracts to lock you in or Early Termination Fees as well as a few other sneaky terms!
- And the most important reason. Because there are no (genuine) good reviews about unlimited broadband. None!
How do Unlimited plans OVER UTILISE the provider's network?
Many users attracted to unlimited plans choose to download torrents, files, games, movies, etc. non-stop! Often they will never use this data. It sounds crazy, but users will set their computers to actively be downloading something all day, just because they can!
The answer is only takes a handful, literally a handful of people on unlimited plans at certain times to effect everyone on the same provider's network.
In addition to that...most unlimited providers need to oversubscribe their networks (i.e. slow) to make money.
In other words affecting your speeds because the network is saturated.
Have a look at the reviews of the ISPs who offer unlimited plans. There are no (genuine) good reviews about unlimited broadband providers.
If you're looking for a quality service choose what you need.
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